Welcome To Village Chiropractic in Scarborough
Village Chiropractic
Family Health and Sports Injury Clinic

Eight out of ten Canadians will experience back, joint or muscle pain at some point in their lives. For many, this pain will keep them from their work or school and will limit their day-to-day activities. In fact, low back pain is the second most common cause for lost time at work, second only to the common cold. Back pain may often go away on its own after two to six weeks, but not before most individuals have lost considerable time away from their normal daily activities. Also, when left untreated, there is an 80% chance that the back pain will recur. Why suffer needlessly, or take the chance that the pain will come back? If you have back pain, early treatment by a chiropractor can help you get on with your busy life and back to normal activities within days.

There are numerous causes for back pain, including:

  • Work related injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Poor posture
  • Stress
  • Improper mechanics of the feet and legs
  • Improper lifting
  • Repetitive strain injuries

These and many other causes can result in abnormal joint position, compression and/or range of motion in the spine. The resulting mechanical changes in the spine can cause acute joint, muscle and nerve pain in the affected area.

Warning Signs

Here are some signs and symptoms which might indicate that you suffer from a back problem:

  • Leg pain with numbness, tingling and/or weakness.
  • Back or leg pain with coughing or sneezing.
  • Difficulty standing up after sitting for any period of time.
  • Stiffness in the morning that decreases once you move around.
  • Pain in your hip, buttock, thigh, knee or foot.
  • Inability to turn or bend to each side equally.
  • Unbalanced posture, when your head, neck or shoulder may be higher on one side than the other.
  • Back pain which prevents you from sleeping well.
  • Back pain that persists or worsens after 48 hours.

Chiropractors, like medical doctors and dentists, are primary health care providers and specialize in all nerve, muscle and skeletal disorders. This means you do not need a medical referral to see a chiropractor and that the chiropractor is able to diagnose your health problem and either treat it effectively or refer you to another physician if necessary. It also means no long wait in an emergency department for a medical specialist, just quick relief from your back pain.

Chiropractors use conservative, non-invasive therapeutic techniques to treat your back pain and address the cause of the pain, directly. By using manual soft tissue techniques, electrical stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound and joint manipulative techniques, chiropractors direct therapy at the source of the pain and act to relieve inflammation, reduce muscle tension and restore mechanical joint function in order to relieve pain. A chiropractic adjustment will restore the normal motion of the joints in the spine, allowing you to feel like yourself again.

What Are My Options?

There are different ways a chiropractor can care for your back, depending on your specific condition. Generally there are three levels of care, but for most people, the need is for immediate relief of their pain.

  • Relief Care is provided for immediate pain and discomfort. Depending on the diagnosis, your age and physical condition, one visit, or several over a relatively short period of time may be necessary.
  • Corrective Care treats long term spinal problems. Because these problems have existed for some time, they require a longer, more complex period of care, which may include a customized exercise program.
  • Supportive or Maintenance Care helps you maintain and enjoy the benefits you've achieved from relief and corrective care. Continuing to work with your chiropractor and having adjustments once in a while will keep your spine as healthy as possible.

Once a course of care is determined, you are informed of the treatment plan and of the risks and benefits of each therapy and then treatment begins. In order to help promote a complete and full recovery and to help prevent a recurrence of the problem the chiropractor will also prescribe strength and flexibility exercises, dietary supplements and lifestyle changes which promote improved overall health and quality of life.


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Village Chiropractic welcomes students, faculty and staff from the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus, we're steps away on Kingston Rd. Check out our student fees which are covered 100% by your university health plan.


Village Chiropractic in Scarborough offers computerized gait assessment and custom made orthotics.

Chiropractic Orthotics


Village Chiropractic provides massage therapy as a treatment in conjunction to chiropractic care and as a stand alone service to our patients.

Chiropractic Informational PDF's


Village Chiropractic in Scarborough offers Lifestyle, Weight Management, Nutritional and Wellness Counseling.

Nutritional CounselingWeight Management Counseling

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Nutrition | Weight Management | Performance | Chiropractic Treatment | Massage Therapy | Preventative Treatment
Counseling | Injury | Motor Vehicle Accident | Post Surgical | Sports Injury | Orthotic Assesment
Strengthening and Flexibility | About Orthotics | Gait Assesment | Using Orthotics | Links | Back Pain | Neck Pain
Hip Pain | Headaches | Degenerative Disc Disease and Sciatica

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